Italian Engagement Pack

Italian Engagement Pack


Boost your Posts with Likes and Italian Comments!

The Italian EngagementPack enables enhanced engagement on your profile through Italian likes, reach, impressions and comments to exponentially increase the interactions and visibility of your posts on Instagram.


Con l'Italian Engagement Pack, <b data-stringify-type="bold">ad ogni nuovo post avrai</b>:
  • 800 ITALIANlikes, reaches and impressions
  • 20 commenti <b data-stringify-type="bold">ITALIANI e PERSONALIZZATI</b>
The package can be activated for 10 posts of your choice in the following ways:
  • You can request activation, via email or Whatsapp, for each post published from Monday to Friday from 10.30 am to 6.30 pm.
  • You can request activation for posts even before they are published, indicating the exact time (10.30 am to 6.30 pm, Monday to Friday) when the content will be published
  • You can also request activation for posts within hours of their publication
  • Activation for posts takes about 3 hours
  • For each activation, please also specify the text of the 20 comments you wish to receive

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